Take a stand for healthy home working

Sarah in home working studio

Anyone who meets me will soon discover just how active I am. I love lunchtime walking and I meet up with friends and family for weekend ‘walks and talks’, too! In the evening, if the husband and I sit down to watch a film or TV series, I find it hard to stay still.

However, when it comes to my work as a journalist and blogger, it’s inevitable that I will end up spending far too much time sitting in my studio. Here, I’m highly likely to be perched on a chair, while I carefully handcraft content. The thing is, I know that sitting for prolonged periods of time can be a real problem, but it’s tricky not to do this when working from home. So, this got me thinking about ways in which I could perhaps change my home working situation for the better…

Home working & practicalities

Healthy home working with Style & Decor blogger Sarah
I’ve realised just how important it is to stand up for periods of time when home working

According to the NHS, sitting for a prolonged length of time is thought to slow down the metabolism. This, in turn, can affect how we regulate blood sugar and blood pressure and metabolise fat. Did you know that sitting down for too long may even make your muscles and bones weaker? And, I’m sorry to say, that’s not all as this can make you put on weight and develop poor posture. In fact, the latter can also result in chronic pain, such as a bad back.

So, although I’ve already established that I need to stand up more when home working, this can prove tricky. When writing blogs, in particular, I’ve got my work cut out for me over a long period of time where I ‘m probably sitting down. And, once I get into my flow, it’s difficult to stop work unless one of the cats or the husband intervenes!

Sitting & standing at work

My studio Style & Decor blogger Sarah
This is where I spend most of my time creating content

I’m lucky to work in my own dedicated studio in my garden – I’ve worked like this for years and absolutely love it. So, healthy home working should be one of my priorities. After all, I place so much importance on my health in every other aspect of my life; I tend to eat well, keep fit and enjoy my life! So, how can I ultimately work in a better environment?

The sit-stand platform is becoming an increasingly popular idea in the UK. This concept is renowned for creating ultra-healthy working conditions and it’s cost-effective too; there’s no need to buy a new desk when you can use the one you’ve already got. Even the husband already has a standing desk converter at work. He literally raves about it and he’s told me before that I should have one.

I suffer from a bad back and my neck can become quite sore at times, thanks to an old whiplash injury. However, I’ve heard that a sit-stand platform can help to alleviate these sorts of issues and this can ultimately improve your posture. In basic terms, it will create an adjustable workstation, which you can modify when you plan to sit and stand. However, choosing the right standing desk converter has taken time to come to fruition. For a start, I needed to do some research.

Style matters

My home working desk in my studio
My new Opløft sit-stand platform from Posturite fits on my desk perfectly when open and closed

When it comes to home working, I must admit I strive to work in an attractive environment. So, when it comes to choosing the right sit-stand platform, style must match functionality. I also like the idea of a portable sit-stand option.

Until recently, most standing desk converter choices don’t score highly in terms of good looks. But I’ve just found a brilliant option, which looks super-smart – the Opløft sit-stand platform from Posturite. In fact, I’ve got an exclusive discount code for you, so read on to find out how to benefit from this offer. It features a chic, white surface with silver handles and an attractive matching circular Opløft logo. So, it seems, you don’t have to substitute style for functionality. Underneath, the mechanics are all black, which creates a sleek contrast.

Optloft raised for home working posture correction at Style & Decor
The Opløft sit-stand platform has 14 height levels so you’re bound to find the right setting to suit your individual needs

How I’ve switched up my studio

This sleek, slimline platform weighs in at around 12kg and I can lift it, however I plan to use mine in one position only in my studio. In comparison, I also hear this design is half the weight of its rivals. The surface measures 60cm by 78cm surface and 3cm depth when folded flat. This provides you with plenty of room for all your essentials, and any decoration, as you see fit. So, size-wise, this is ideal for me and it fits onto my desk perfectly.

Other practicalities are important too, because I need to be able to work hard to achieve creative copy my clients will love. The Opløft can hold up to 12kg and I can easily fit my laptop, notebook and pen (yes, I like a touch of old-school in my home working life!), my mobile phone holder and mouse (I’ll get to this later). I can even add a freshly cut dahlia from the garden in a vase. But will this really work whenever I’m moving the platform into place?

Move to improve

Side view of Optloft sit-stand platform
There’s ample room to fit in all my essentials plus a few decorative extras for a productive working environment

The new Opløft sit-stand platform literally glides into place, thanks to powerful gas spring tech. So, you can easily sit and stand throughout your working day. Simply grip the handles and push them out with your thumbs then raise. You can let go when you’ve reached the right height; this needs to be at a 90° angle with your forearms. It’s brilliant – so easy to use and such a solid piece of kit that nothing on this platform even wobbles during movement. This will instantly elevate your desk space so you can stand, while you work, however standing all day working is also not good for you. If you stand for too long in one day, for example, health implications could range from lower back pain and aching lower limbs to heart problems. So, the key is to achieve the right balance.

Posturite offers some great sitting, standing and moving advice, which comes from a Cornell Uni study. You should break your daily home working routine into 30-minute sessions; within this period of time, sit for 20 mins, stand for eight and stretch or move for two. This is working well for me as I’m setting myself a timer.

Handle on the Optloft sit-stand platform for home working
The handles are easy to use – simply grip each one with your thumbs and raise the platform to the right height

Posturite’s Opløft sit-stand platform enables you to change your posture regularly when you elevate the platform (it offers you 14 height levels) and return it to sit flat on your desk (you’ll need to sit in a chair for this part). So, the key is to alternate the platform, and therefore sit and stand, several times each day. I’m finding this easy to do and it actually makes me feel more energised, too. Productivity is vital for me to produce work at a high standard. I feel I’ve created a healthier home working environment for the foreseeable too, which makes me feel good. If you’d like an Opløft sit-stand platform too, simply use this unique discount code STYLEDECOR to get £100 off your purchase from Posturite (Ts &Cs apply*).

Home working with a wireless mouse

Style & Decor blogger Sarah using the mouse
I thought I’d try Posturite’s Contour UniMouse for home working. It’s hugely versatile with ten cursor speed selections and six programmable buttons

I use a MacBook Pro but, truth be told, I’ve never really got on well with the Apple wireless mouse for all sorts of reasons. I have also suffered with aches and pains in my right hand (which I use to operate this device). For obvious reasons, I don’t want this to develop into RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). So, I’ve decided to make the change and swap mine for a Contour UniMouse.

The Contour UniMouse is brilliant for home working
This wireless mouse is adjustable with a hinged tilt that can move from 35 to 70° for a more comfortable fit

How to use the Contour UniMouse

From Posturite, this clever, yet compact, wireless piece of kit requires two hours’ charging then it’s ready to go and battery life lasts for around three months. It’s an adjustable, vertical mouse, which has been ergonomically designed to reduce shoulder, forearm and hand strain. In fact, I’m using it now while writing this and it’s hugely versatile. You can adjust the tilt, via a hinge, between 35 and 70° – this way, you’ll benefit from the most comfortable position.

Although I’m actually left-handed, I use my mouse with my right hand so I’ve got a right-handed model (there’s a left-handed version, too). I think you’ll agree the thumb support is super-comfy and you can extend or collapse it to fit your hand. It also has seven buttons, which you can programme to save your favourite functions to ultimately help to maximise your efficiency.

These days, I’m loving the chance to alternate between sitting and standing during my working day. I’m feeling less aches and pains and altogether feel reenergised with my recent home working adjustments. However, I’ve now discovered Posturite’s Opløft Dual Monitor Arms. I use two screens, plus my MacBook Pro, from time to time, so this could provide the perfect addition to my new home working ensemble.

AD: This is a paid-for collaboration with Posturite who kindly supplied me with their Opløft sit-stand platform and Contour UniMouse.

*£100 off your Opløft: terms and conditions
Use the discount code STYLEDECOR to get £100 off the Opløft Sit-Stand Platform at Posturite (SKU: 9820900) until 11 August 2024. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other Posturite offer or applied to previously bought items. One use per customer. Web only, while stocks last.